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Are You Interested In Getting A Water Filter?

If you are interested in getting a water filtration system for your home, then you have a wide variety of options available to you. However, there are so many different options that you might not know which is best for your purposes. To help you get a better idea of which system is best for you, here is an overview of the most common water filtration mechanisms:

Activated Carbon

This is one of the most popular choices since it can remove a wide variety of common contaminants from your water, including chlorine. In essence, an activated carbon filter is very good at handling lead, mercury, and organic compounds. However, it is rather ineffective when it comes to inorganic substances, such as chloride.

The mechanism involved is fairly simple, which happens to translate to relatively low costs for the user. Activated carbon systems run the water over a solid material that is made of carbon. This carbon reacts with the contaminants listed above, but not the water. This means that it lets the water pass through the filter, while trapping the contaminants. Materials that do not react with the carbon, including chloride, will pass through the filter unhindered.


The principle behind this filter is essentially the exchange of electrons, which means that it is very effective at dealing with salts. On the other hand, it is not good at removing parasitic microorganisms or molecules that have evenly distributed electrons (non-ionic molecules).

As the incoming water flows over an exchange material, affected contaminants of the water are drawn to the exchange material, which releases hydrogen ions to make room for the contaminants. The contaminant is then attached to the exchange material and the hydrogen ion is added to the water. This mixture of regular water, unaffected contaminants, and hydrogen ions then flows to the next stage, where the hydrogen ions are ultimately neutralized.

Reverse Osmosis

The idea here is that the water is forced through a membrane that will prevent a wide variety of contaminants from passing through. Fluoride and nitrates are easily removed by an RO system, but there are many substances that can still pass through. For this reason, it is a good idea to layer an RO system with another filter, which will result in extremely effective filtration.

The system is fairly simple and mostly relies on pressure. A significant amount of pressure is exerted on the unfiltered side, forcing water through the membrane and leaving the contaminants behind.

For water filter services, contact a company such as Friot's Water Treatment CO.
